My God! I just about spit up my afternoon tea all over my computer!
I just watched with my own eyes two posts be removed/changed on forum. Right in front of me. They were in mention to this forum. One post by Paule mentioned MSE it was changed to ***. The person after it was asking what MSE was? They had their post removed altogether! Amazing, there is a conspiracy. I witnessed it happen live before my very eyes. These people are protecting Andrew Harris., and not letting people see all sides. This is unbelievable. Someone else try posting about this forum, and see your post vanish. Other forums and websites are clearly are available for review, but not anything to do with property hotspots worldwide and Andrew Harris. I don't belong to that site. I am sure if I did make posts they too would be taken off
Please if anyone else does on here. Try posting about Money saving Expert or MSE.
.............I am still in shock! Thank God this forum lets people tell all sides of their story, and not take off posts that they believe might hurt their investment. We learned some time ago that Lyndsey was a moderator for that site. She came on here and said she has nothing to do with Andrew Harris and property HotSpots Worldwide. Then we find out she works for them!?!?
Buyers Beware!

.............I am still in shock! Thank God this forum lets people tell all sides of their story, and not take off posts that they believe might hurt their investment. We learned some time ago that Lyndsey was a moderator for that site. She came on here and said she has nothing to do with Andrew Harris and property HotSpots Worldwide. Then we find out she works for them!?!?
Buyers Beware!